The method for determining honey antibacterial activity is an accredited method
The method of determining the antibacterial activity of honey, which we developed and optimized at the Institute of Molecular Biology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the State Veterinary and Food Institute, was successfully accredited by the Slovak National Accreditation Service. Among the member states of the European Union, Slovakia has become the first to offer an accredited method for determining the antibacterial activity of honey as a commercial service for beekeepers and consumers. This was preceded by an analysis of hundreds of honey samples of various botanical and geographical origins and more than 10 years of research in the biological effects of honey. It allows us to a higher level of understanding of what honey means to us and what its health-beneficial effects are.
The analysis of the determination of the antibacterial activity of honey are performed by the State Veterinary and Food Institute - Veterinary and Food Institute in Bratislava, which will issue test reports. The procedure and evaluation of antibacterial activity will be carried out according to the rules set within the project "honey laboratory" at IMB SAS.
Quality mark based on honey antibacterial activity

MIC = minimal inhibitory concentration
The lowest concentration inhibiting bacterial growth
About us
"Medové laboratórium" (further Honey laboratory) is looking for answers for puzzling questions such as: Why is honey healthy? How do we recognize high quality honey? Where is the balance between happy bees, satisfied beekeepers and honey consumers?
Our long-term research on bee products has led us to find that the current legislative standards that define the quality of honey in Slovakia and Europe are insufficient to detect all forms of adulteration or degradation of honey and do not reflect its biological potential. For this reason, we have developed and optimized new methods for evaluating the quality of honey with regard to its antibacterial effect.

Our mission
Our mission is to deepen the knowledge about the quality and biological properties of honey by performing unique laboratory tests and educational activities. We believe that our activities will support small as well as large beekeepers with high quality honey and bring consumers long-awaited information that will help to choose high quality honey.

Which honey has high quality?
Honey is a perfect combination of substances that come from bees and plants, which are contained in a sweet solution of concentrated nectar. All these substances contribute to the unique biological properties of honey.
The phrase "quality honey" may characterize its colour, taste, smell or physicochemical parameters. We consider "quality honey" to be honey that has retained all its natural biological properties.
It is very difficult to distinguish real quality honeys from diluted, heated or artificial honeys. Our perceptions cannot help us, and in recent years even physicochemical standards are not enough.
What are biological activities of honey?
Every honey, regardless of its type (e.g. acacia, linden, flower, honeydew and others), possess antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and, last but not least, immunomodulatory and wound-healing activities. Antibacterial activity is the most scientifically studied biological property. Each honey has antibacterial activity, unless it has been reduced or completely lost by improper handling, inappropriate heat treatment, etc.
There are honeys (e.g. honeydew) which have a higher antibacterial potential and therefore have potential use in medicine.
What is medical grade honey?
The difference between natural and medical honey is in its sterility. Honey set for medical use is free of bacterial spores and viable bacteria and yeasts using ionizing radiation, which does not adversely affect its biological properties. Currently, medical honeys are registered as medical devices intended for topical treatment of wounds and burns.
There are several products based on medical honey. The most important are manuka honeys, but there are also other types, such as chestnut or pine honeys, that are used as a basis for medical honeys.

In their Honey Laboratory, they examine the quality and effects of honey.
Popularization interview about our project "Honey Laboratory" for Slovak Forbes.
"At first they tested honey out of scientific interest, but gradually more and more beekeepers approached their laboratory tests. Last year, therefore, they decided to launch the Honey Laboratory project, in which they award medals. Their goal is not only to evaluate the antibacterial effects of honey, but also to spread awareness among beekeepers or doctors and consumers to provide information about the quality of the honey they buy. What are the health effects of quality honey according to scientists?" ... more in here in the link.
Award for Technology transfer in Slovakia
Honey Laboratory received the prestigious Award for technology transfer in category "Act in the field of technology transfer". The evaluation committee emphasized that the project deepens the knowledge of the quality and biological properties of honey. Honey Laboratory received the award from the vice-chancellor for innovation at the Saudi Arabian King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Kevin Cullen. Ceremony was part of the Conference COINTT (Cooperation Innovation Technology Transfer) organized by Technology Transfer Office, Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information. More details here.
Award in the Science and Research
The method for determination of honey antibacterial potential was awarded Golden Sickle award in the "Science and Research" category in the exhibit competition at the AGROKOMPLEX 2022, International Agricultural and Food Exhibition in Nitra, Slovakia. The evaluation committee highlighted the uniqueness of the development of the method on a European scale. This is a special award from the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic and the National Exhibition Agrokomplex. More details here.
World Expert 2021
The American internet platform Expertscape carried out an independent international assessment of doctors, scientists and institutions working in the biomedical field. Based on the results, it ranked Juraj Majtán from the Institute of Molecular Biology of the SAV among the world's most important experts in honey research in 8th place out of a total of 14,583 evaluated workers and belongs to the best 0.1% of experts. More details here