Juraj Majtan, DSc., MBA, FIFST
The Head of Laboratory
Dr. Juraj Majtan is the head of the Laboratory of Apidology and Apitherapy at the Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) Slovak Academy of Scieces (SAS). He began his professional career in science by starting his doctoral studies in biochemistry at the Institute of Chemistry of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. After a successful defense, he completed two study stays abroad at the Center for Ecology and Hydrology NERC (Oxford, UK) and the School of Medicine University of Southampton (Southampton, UK). In 2009 he joined the Institute of Zoology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences as an independent researcher. Since 2016 he has been working as a researcher at IMB SAS. He received the Štefan Schwarz Support Fund for his achievements in basic as well as applied research. In 2010, he received the "Early Career Researcher" award from Cardiff University (Cardiff, UK). In 2019 he defended his doctoral thesis in the field of microbiology. He works as a lecturer at the Slovak Association of Beekeepers and is the founder of the Slovak Apitherapeutic Society. In addition to scientific publishing activities, he is also involved in popularization activities, for which he was awarded the SAS Prize for Scientific-Popularization Activities in 2018. Founder of the "Honey Laboratory" project.

Marcela Bucekova, PhD.
Fellow Researcher
Dr. Marcela Bucekova is currently a researcher at the Laboratory of Apidology and Apitherapy at the IMB SAS. She has graduated from Faculty of Science, Comenius University in the field of biotechnology. For her diploma thesis she worked on antibacterial mechanisms of honey under the supervision of Dr. Juraj Majtan. During her doctoral study at the Institute of Molecular Biology SAS in the field of molecular biology, she focused on the characterization of the immunomodulatory effects of honey and royal jelly on wound healing. As a PhD student, she completed a five-month internship abroad at the University in Italy (Università Piemonte Orientale), which resulted in mutual cooperation. After successful PhD defense, she completed post-doctoral stay abroad at the prestigious University of Singapore - National University of Singapore. In 2018, she was awarded the Student Personality of Slovakia 2017/2018 in the category of natural sciences and chemistry. For her success in research, she received the supporting Stefan Schwarz fund and since June 2020 she has been working as a researcher at IMB SAS. In addition to scientific publishing activities, she is also involved in popularization activities and co-founder of the "Honey Laboratory" project.

Jana Godocikova, MSc.
Research Specialist
Jana Godocikova is a specialist at the Laboratory of Apidology and Apitherapy at the Institute of Molecular Biology SAS. After graduating from the Faculty of Chemical Technology of the SAS, she joined the Institute of Ecobiology SAS in Bratislava and later became an employee of the IMB SAS.
Medové laboratórium
Laboratory of Apidology and Apitherapy Institute of Molecular Biology SAS, Dubravska cesta 21, 84551 Bratislava